Overview Docs

One system to manage orders, inventory, and fulfillment

Order lifecycle management

Track and manage orders from order placement to post-delivery services.

Omnichannel order visibility

Aggregate orders from any channel into a single source of truth and a 360-degree view of customer purchases.

A screenshot of a Distributed Order Management System dashboard displaying various sections like Orders, Inventory, Warehouse, and History. A pop-up shows order status, including All orders, Delivered, Partially delivered, and more.

Bulk order imports

Upload orders in bulk using CSV files.

A screenshot of a Distributed Order Management System displaying a list of customer orders with various statuses, including shipped and delayed. The interface includes options for exporting and importing data.

Custom order attributes

Allow custom attributes such as LTL, Gift Wrap, and more, to trigger downstream value-added services.

A computer screen displaying a user interface for adding attributes in a settings menu, including options like attribute type (nested) and attribute name (gift wrapping), seamlessly integrates with the Distributed Order Management System.

Estimated delivery date

Calculate and display the date range that orders will be shipped if purchased now.

A form interface in our Distributed Order Management System displays carrier SLA with fields for minimum and maximum delivery days, along with an option to add exceptions for holidays and weekends. A delivery icon is present at the bottom.

Order servicing

Empower customer service reps to make changes to orders on behalf of the customer.

  • ZenDesk
  • Salesforce
  • Newgistics
  • ParcelLab
  • Narvar
  • Shipstation
  • Shippo
  • Deliverr
  • APIs

Returns and refunds

Handle reverse logistics with ease

Instant refunds

Increase customer satisfaction by allowing an easy return and automated refund process.

A form interface within the Distributed Order Management System offers options for automatic returns and an enabled returns policy, specifying return periods and limits for shipped, delivered, and order fulfilled statuses.

Returns policy setting

Set business rules for accepting and processing returns and refunds.

A computer screen displaying an e-commerce settings page with options like "Orders," "Inventory," and an "Enable returns policy" checkbox. The interface integrates a Distributed Order Management System for streamlined operations, featuring clearly visible "Save" and "Cancel" buttons.

Inventory visibility

Get a 360-degree view of inventory across source locations

Global inventory

Near real-time view of on-shelf, in-transit, and on-order inventory at distribution centers, stores, and suppliers.

The laptop screen showcases a Distributed Order Management System interface, featuring an image of a Milwaukee power drill set on the left side.

Available-to-promise inventory

Display the exact ATP stock on the storefront using the inventory availability storefront API endpoint.

Black athletic shoe with a white Nike logo displayed next to purchasing options including price ($99.99), available sizes (8.5, 9.5), and sizing guide. Some sizes (9, 10, 10.5) are crossed out due to the distributed order management system tracking real-time inventory.

Bulk inventory export

Schedule a recurring export to destination systems to maintain inventory synchronization between systems.

Screenshot of a distributed order management system showing an orders list with columns for customer name, order status, ship status, delivery status, and order placed date. A side panel displays "All Inventory.

Local availability

Display inventory by geographic proximity, availability at nearby stores, or network-specific availability by channel.

A container of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein priced at $74.99 is shown. It includes a delivery option, and thanks to the Distributed Order Management System, a convenient pick-up location at University Village is mentioned.

Inventory controls

Add checks and balances to managing inventory

Custom inventory attributes

Create custom attributes for inventory to
display on the storefront.

A computer screen displays a settings menu with tabs for various attributes. The "Inventory Attributes" tab is open, showcasing options to add and view inventory attributes within the Distributed Order Management System.

Inventory networks

Set up rules to pool inventory and control the availability of stock to sell in each channel, market, or region.

A screen displaying the process of creating a network with steps: Add Basic Information, Set Up Rules, and Add Inventory Availability. A side panel highlights "Your Network" with an icon and text, seamlessly integrating into the Distributed Order Management System.

Safety stock setting

Set the minimum inventory level for reordering to avoid overselling.

A computer screen displaying an inventory management interface shows a "Create Network" setup step with a safety stock quantity of 50 units. An inventory icon is visible at the bottom right, integrating seamlessly with the Distributed Order Management System.

Low stock setting

Display low inventory on the storefront to shoppers to create urgency and drive conversion.

A woman wearing a blue and white patterned Ikat Flutter Sleeve Tee is shown next to a product listing. Thanks to our Distributed Order Management System, the shirt, priced at USD $59.50, has three units remaining in stock and can be delivered by June 12.

Custom inventory positions

Configure inventory position tags, such as on-hand, backorder available, and reserved.

A JSON payload is displayed on a dark interface, detailing an ID, a name ("On Hand"), and a code ("on-hand"). This JSON object plays a crucial role in the Distributed Order Management System, ensuring accurate tracking and availability of inventory.

Preorders and backorders

Accept preorders and backorders from customers

Inbound inventory allocation

Increase availability by allowing customers to order against pre-order and backorder stock.

Image showing an advertisement for "Patio Deluxe Furniture" in space gray, priced at USD $9999.99. The pre-order page includes color options and a sizing guide, managed seamlessly by our Distributed Order Management System, with a "PRE-ORDER" button in orange.

Fulfillment Optimization

Manage complex business order fulfillment logic with simple configurations

Inventory segmentation

Configure tags to assign inventory to specific customer segments like subscribers, new customers, or VIPs.

A screenshot of a JSON payload with an application type of "application/json" features an object containing "id", "name", and "code" attributes, all tied to "new_customer". This payload is part of the Distributed Order Management System.

Inventory reservation

Track the virtual quantities of inventory for a specific demand

  • In cart inventory
  • Reserved for a purchase order
  • Allocated to warehouses
  • Marked for shipment
  • Backordered inventory
  • Pre-ordered inventory

Picking location prioritization

Specify if orders should always be picked from the closest facility in stock, or by a rank of facilities in the order that is first in stock.

Screenshot of an e-commerce backend interface showing options for configuring fulfillment methods and prioritizing shipping services within a Distributed Order Management System.

Store Fulfillment

Unlock omnichannel experiences. Streamline your store operations and maximize retail inventory potential.

BOPIS and Curbside Pickup

Simplify the pickup process. Improve store associate efficiency and provide a frictionless experience for customers.

Three smartphone screens display a delivery app showing an order summary, an item image of a lamp, and a fulfillment list with package details powered by a Distributed Order Management System.

Ship from Store

Utilize your store locations as mini-distribution centers. Our app seamlessly integrates with major shipping carriers, enabling you to fulfill online orders directly from your stores. Cut down on shipping costs and transit times while delighting your customers with faster delivery.

mobile device showing an order that is ready to be shipped by fedex

Same Day Delivery

Prioritize incoming orders based on urgency, ensuring that high-priority orders are fulfilled first. Our app intelligently categorizes orders, allowing your store associates to focus on meeting delivery deadlines and satisfying your most valuable customers.

An interface in the Distributed Order Management System displays three order fulfillment options: BOPIS, Store Fulfillment, and Direct to Consumer, each with associated locations and the number of orders in parentheses.

Flexible Fulfillment options

Optimize order routing across your network of distribution centers, warehouses and 3PLs.

Fulfillment options

Support same-day delivery, BOPIS, Ship from store, or Direct to Consumer (D2C) fulfillment methods.

laptop showing how to configure fulfillment rules without a code

Learn more about our order management system