
Simplify pricing and promotions

Offers Hero

Improve your average order value and conversion rate with fabric’s flexible pricing and promotions engine.

Offers Hero

Run promotions and pricing
strategies that convert


Sell faster


Protect margins


Run efficiently


Stay competitive

Manage and maintain accurate pricing

Implement pricing strategies for your digital store right from fabric Copilot.

  • Real-time and batched price updates
  • Flexibility to configure pricing rules
  • Roles and permissions to set and change prices
Manage and maintain pricing

Personalize your promotions

Turn visitors into high-value customers.

  • Customer, product, and transaction level conditional discounts
  • Buy Get and Spend Get promotions
  • Seamless integrations with your commerce stack

Attract and retain customers with discount coupons

Enable coupon application at checkout.

  • Single and multi-use coupons
  • Batch coupon code generation
  • Conditional application – Customer, product, and transaction

fabric Copilot: A powerful center for merchants to manage it all

Additional features


Real-time and batch repricing

Make pricing updates on your storefront in real-time or schedule updates on a specific date.


Price lists

Offer tiered and customer-specific pricing and promotion strategies.


Cart-level discount

Offer a discount based on the overall shopping cart value at the end of a sale.


SKU discount

Apply item-level discounts by including or excluding products from the promotion.


Shipping discount

Provide free shipping or discounts on shipping costs.


Percentage or amount-off discount

Discount a SKU, the total cart value, or a shipping price by a set percentage or amount.


Fixed-price discount

Apply conditions to get a fixed price on an item. For example, buy two t-shirts, and get the third for $10.


Staggered discount

Apply multi-level conditional discounts based on a range of quantity or the amount spent.


Buy-Get promotions

Discount based on a specific bundle of SKUs. For example, buy a pair of shoes, and get 50% off on the next pair.


Spend-Get promotions

Discount based on the cart value of a specific bundle of SKUs. For example, spend $50, and get a free hat.


Promotions stacking

Allow shoppers to apply multiple promotions at the same time.


Batch coupon generation

Create a unique series of coupon codes and link them to your promotion.


Coupon limits

Restrict coupon usage to one time or multiple times, stackable or non-stackable, and per-user or site-wide.


Items, prices, or promotions lookup

Search for SKUs to look up their price and find active or expired promotions and coupons.


Administration and governance

Control user access to functionality or data based on their role – Admin, Editor, Viewer

Powered by fabric Commerce Platform

An end-to-end headless and composable platform for retailers and brands.

This animation displays fabric's modular technology
This animation displays fabric's modular technology

Building blocks to customize without limits

  • Cloud-native scalability
  • Microservices-based architecture for stress-free updates and easy integrations
  • 3X faster development speed
  • Extensible data model that lets you add your own logic
  • Global network with 100+ CDN edges
  • PCI DSS Level 6 and SOC2 Type II compliance
fabric code blue


  • Why do you need a pricing and promotions software?

    You compete in a market where customers are looking for the best value for the product they purchase. Pricing, promotions, and coupons are critical factors for encouraging customers to make purchase decisions. If you are still manually setting the price of a product with spreadsheets and struggling to give customers attractive promotions and coupons, fabric Offers is for you.

  • How does fabric Offers work?

    fabric Offers provides a single UI to run your pricing and promotions strategies. 

    Step 1: Start by connecting your product and customer database to fabric Offers. For fabric Commerce Platform customers, fabric Offers is pre-connected with fabric PIM and CDP so, you can skip this step.

    Step 2: For pricing, upload your prices and history using bulk upload via CSV files. For promotions, create your promotion or coupon on Copilot.

    Step 3: Build your rules for pricing and promotions.

    Step 4: Validate the application of pricing and promotion rules in transactions.

    Step 5: See the effect of your campaigns.

    Have more questions? Read our Knowledge Base.

Learn more about fabric Offers