Now Shipping Split Payments and More Payment Methods

Payment details screen showing two saved payment methods: Apple Pay and Visa. Text overlay reads "Now Shipping Split Payments.

There is no one perfect payment method for every shopper. Some shoppers want to pay with a credit card or Apple Pay; others want to pay with gift cards or loyalty points. Some shoppers even want to split payments between these different payment methods. But many online retailers do not support these preferences, including Amazon!

This is why we’re excited to release split payments and support for more payment methods. Instead of being a step behind big e-commerce players like Amazon, you can be a step ahead. Offering split payments and more payment methods can also significantly increase conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment. 

The split payments feature and support for more payment methods is part of the checkout module within our order management system (OMS). Below, we’ll talk about some of the opportunities for using this upgraded module to improve checkout experiences.


New Payment Features

Split payments 

The ability for customers to split payments across multiple payment methods is essential for businesses that distribute gift cards, sell big ticket items, or have loyalty programs (i.e. points).

  • Gift cards: With split payments, customers are able to make partial or full payments using a gift card. If the gift card balance can not support the cart balance, the customer may use another payment method to cover the difference. Amazon has done a great job implementing this feature and now you can too with Fabric.
  • Multiple debit/credit cards for big purchases: You can create an exceptional checkout experience by giving customers the ability to split payments between multiple debit/credit cards. This is especially useful if you sell big ticket items like our customer abc Carpet & Home. They sell beautiful, authentic rugs, some with a very high price tag. By giving their customers the opportunity to split payments between multiple cards, they can improve the checkout experience and inspire customers to return.
  • Points for loyalty programs: Points can be used toward cart balances. With Fabric’s split payments feature, an additional payment method can be used if the cart total exceeds the customer’s point balance. If you don’t yet have a loyalty program or aren’t happy with the one you have, be sure to check out Fabric’s new loyalty management system (LMS).

More payment methods

With our new release, we have enabled a variety of payment gateways including Stripe, Chase,, and Braintree. You can now accept a variety of payment methods for standard payments and split payments.

Available payment methods include:

  • Credit cards
  • Debit cards
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • PayPal
  • Loyalty points
  • Affirm

All of these payment methods are secure and PCI compliant through Fabric. After a shopper initiates checkout, the Fabric API is called and the customer is prompted to enter their shipping and payment details.

Upon submitting this information, payment details are transmitted securely to the payment gateway server, authentication and tokenization occur, and tokens are exchanged with Fabric’s servers for future use. This allows the customer to securely store payment information and make future checkouts easier.


How Can We Help You Modernize Your Checkout?

There are many different checkout experiences you can build with our new split payments feature and additional payment methods, and we’d love to know what you’re thinking of building. Send us a note on Twitter or LinkedIn, or contact us directly, if you have any checkout experiences you want to brainstorm.

Furqan Munir

Product @ fabric. Previously @ EMAAR NEXT, Groupon, and NorAm International Partners.

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