Improve your average order value and conversion rate with fabric’s flexible pricing and promotions engine.
Implement pricing strategies for your digital store right from fabric Copilot.
Turn visitors into high-value customers.
Enable coupon application at checkout.
Make pricing updates on your storefront in real-time or schedule updates on a specific date.
Offer tiered and customer-specific pricing and promotion strategies.
Offer a discount based on the overall shopping cart value at the end of a sale.
Apply item-level discounts by including or excluding products from the promotion.
Provide free shipping or discounts on shipping costs.
Discount a SKU, the total cart value, or a shipping price by a set percentage or amount.
Apply conditions to get a fixed price on an item. For example, buy two t-shirts, and get the third for $10.
Apply multi-level conditional discounts based on a range of quantity or the amount spent.
Discount based on a specific bundle of SKUs. For example, buy a pair of shoes, and get 50% off on the next pair.
Discount based on the cart value of a specific bundle of SKUs. For example, spend $50, and get a free hat.
Allow shoppers to apply multiple promotions at the same time.
Create a unique series of coupon codes and link them to your promotion.
Restrict coupon usage to one time or multiple times, stackable or non-stackable, and per-user or site-wide.
Search for SKUs to look up their price and find active or expired promotions and coupons.
Control user access to functionality or data based on their role – Admin, Editor, Viewer
An end-to-end headless and composable platform for retailers and brands.